Jaim Telias - Industrial Design

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Nuove ricerche tra arte e design

Warm and comfortable is the show of light in the exhibition area at the Studio OR Objects that make part of the everyday life. And that become design works. For the first time completely “author” are exposed the works of Jaim Telias and other 3 artisits Margherita Marchioni, Daniel Statera, and Alberto Timossi. Works that demonstrate the strait relationship between works of art and usefulness, between art and functional realizations.

Study OR - till 29 May - via Pisanelli 4 - tel. 0689015233

Tab 2

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Jaim Telias - News

Jaim Telias
Via Giovanni maria della torre 12, 00146 - Roma - Italia
Call me : T +39 6 55 71 609 - M +39 347 19 67 768
info (at) jaimtelias dot com

Objects ordering info:  Ship time vary by product: 2-10 weeks For special orders lead times may differ

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